$97.00 USD

Superhuman Mindset eCourse

Superhuman MINDSET training sets the foundation for how you can create SUSTAINABLE change in your health habits, actions, and behaviors.

In this course, you'll get 10 training videos from a Certified Mindset Specialist:

  • The 4 A’s Model of Simplicity: How to Create Sustainable Behavior Change
  • Learn Your Language: Aligning your inner voice with the success of your health & goals
  • Identify & Interrupt Ego Roles: Hitting the Kill Switch
  • Limiting Reflection Statement: Creating a blank page
  • Bound Nature & Free Nature: Dissociating from self
  • Count Your WINS: Listing the forward progress of your goals
  • Inspiration Statement: Define your highest intentions
  • Review Your Direction: Daily reflection on your intentions
  • Imagine Your Outcome: Daily imagining of achieving your goals... and changing your story
  • Mind the Gap: Creating the Health, Energy, & Life You Want

And benefit from these essential DOWNLOADS:

  • Bound Nature Reference Chart
  • Free Nature Reference Chart
  • Presentation Slides from Each Superhuman Mindset Lesson
  • SH Mindset Worksheets with Key Points and Action Steps

Complete your purchase and let's get started!

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