My Three Favorite Back Exercises (But most people do ‘em WRONG!)
Dec 10, 2024
Every month in my digital UPRIGHT publication, I feature exercises designed to improve your spinal health…
And by extension, improves your pain, balance, mobility, energy, and strength.
I guide you step-by-step to make sure you’re doing them as effectively as possible.
The three exercises I’m sharing today are incredibly effective—when done correctly.
Each one has been featured in UPRIGHT because they target common postural distortions.
But here’s the catch: they’re often done incorrectly, which limits their benefits.
Now let’s make sure you get the most out of them.
(1) Posterior Head Translation Exercise
The following is called a Mirror Image® exercise developed by Chiropractic BioPhysics® physicians. They strengthen weak and lengthen tight muscles that have adapted to unhealthy posture. The goal is to help correct (and maintain corrections) in spinal alignment and postural abnormalities.
This exercise counteracts THE most common postural distortion - forward head posture (FHP).
FHP causes major stress and strain on the bones, discs, muscles, joints, and even the spinal cord.
This sequence of maneuvers was first proposed by Dr. Curtis Fedorchuk, DC and includes the following steps.
- Start from the neutral spine position.
- Create maximum forward head translation by jutting your chin forward. This creates a cervical spine coupling pattern resulting in lordosis of the upper cervical spine and kyphosis (curve reversal) of the lower cervical spine.
- While maintaining this position, maximally extend the head by looking up. Maintaining forward head translation allows the upper cervical spine to keep its normal lordosis, while maximal head extension allows the lower cervical spine to progress toward a healthy lordotic curvature.
- While maintaining the maximal head extension, initiate a posterior (backward) head shift with a slight downward compression along the long axis of the spine. This allows for the head to return to a normal postural position while maintaining the induced cervical curve from the previous movements.
Hold this final position 10 seconds before relaxing. Repeat this sequence 10 to 20 repetitions, or as tolerated.
**Common Mistake: Performing standard chin tucks**
If you YouTube or Google exercises to correct your posture, a large majority demonstrate the “chin tuck exercise.”
But, the chin tuck exercise does NOT factor in the normal coupling pattern of the cervical spine.
And it could be screwing up your spine and health.
(2) Thoracic Mobility Exercise
If you spend much of your day hunched over a computer or phone, you know how stiff your mid and upper back can become. This often leads to a Hunchback or Hyperkyphotic spinal distortion. The thoracic mobility exercise is amazing for improving posture, mid and upper back mobility.
- Sit on the ground, chair, or stool so your hips are below your knees. This locks your lower body in place so the mobility comes from your mid and upper back (ie thoracic spine). Clasp your fingers behind your head and neck.
- First is Thoracic EXTENSION: Take your elbows back, push your head into your hands, chest up and forward, squeezing the shoulder blades.
- From this position, you’ll ROTATE to one side, hold for a beat, and then rotate to the other side keeping this same position. Imagine a rod going through your trunk as you rotate around it. Only rotate as far as you can while keeping elbows back, head back, chest up and shoulder blades squeezed.
IMPORTANT** If you have osteopenia, osteoporosis, or compression fractures, only perform the GENTLE Thoracic Extension part of the exercise.
Aim for 8-10 rotations per side. DO NOT FORCE ANY MOVEMENTS THAT CAUSE PAIN. Keep the focus between your shoulder blades and upper back to counteract the hunched posture.
**Common Mistake: Allowing the elbows come forward as you try to get extra rotation.**
Keep the elbows back during the entire exercise. If elbows come forward as you rotate, don't go as far. To modify, loosen your grip or put your hands behind your ears.
If you still can't keep proper form, only perform the Thoracic Extension portion until you gain more mobility in the spine.
Again, ALWAYS stay in a pain-free range of motion. You'll feel muscles stretching and contracting, which is fine, but make sure there’s no pain.
(3) Standing Full Spine Exercise
This incorporates three postural realignment exercises into one. It's an effective method to counteract the “slumped” posture many people are stuck in nowadays.
- Start with your feet 6-12 inches in front of a wall and a block or tightly rolled towel/blanket placed behind the shoulder blades.
- Perform a backward pelvic shift by tilting the pelvis backwards towards the wall.
- Pull the head straight backwards, tipping it up slightly, to perform a backward head translation.
- Squeeze your shoulder blades together and roll your shoulders backwards with palms facing forward. Hold this position with feet out, pelvis back, head back, and shoulders back for 5-10 seconds.
Start with 1 set of 10 repetitions, 3 times per day. Over 5-6 weeks, gradually increase to 10 sets of 10 repetitions throughout the day, for a total of 100 exercises.
**Common Mistake: Not squeezing your shoulder blades together**
You might mistakenly initiate this part of the movement by taking your hands toward the wall. But that actually can reinforce the unwanted forward rolled shoulders you’re trying to correct.
Focus on squeezing your shoulder blades together to avoid that issue.
This is just a small sample of the care I put into each issue of UPRIGHT.
My goal is to help you easily integrate these tools into your daily routine.
When you subscribe, you start with UPRIGHT No. 1, receiving each new issue month by month.
I want you to have every essential exercise, spinal correction technique, and lifestyle adjustment.
Not to mention every smoothie, salad, side, and snack recipe designed to support your spine & overall health.
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And as always, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.
Dr. Ryan