STOP Back Pain by Fixing This
Jan 08, 2025Why does your back keep hurting even after trying everything? The answer might not be in your back itself but in how your brain controls your muscles. Your spine is naturally unstable—imagine a tower of blocks that could topple at any moment. To keep it steady, your body relies on deep core muscles that activate just before you move, creating a stable foundation for motion.
Here’s the fascinating part: research shows that in people with low back pain, this protective mechanism breaks down. Those deep core muscles don’t activate on time anymore, leaving your spine without its first line of defense against injury. Think of it like standing on a boat when a wave hits. If you’re braced ahead of time, you stay steady. If you’re caught off guard, you’re more likely to lose balance. That’s what’s happening in your body when this natural timing system isn’t working.
This discovery has completely shifted how we understand back pain. It’s not just about muscle strength—it’s about timing and coordination. Your muscles might be strong enough, but if they’re not firing in the right order, your spine is still vulnerable to injury and strain. This explains why traditional approaches like strengthening exercises, pain medications, or even temporary fixes like adjustments might not lead to lasting relief. They don’t address the root cause of the problem: the loss of this critical protective pattern.
The good news? This pattern can be retrained. With guidance from a professional who understands these motor control patterns, you can reactivate these muscles in the correct sequence. It’s not about endless crunches or planks. Instead, it’s about teaching your body how to stabilize itself naturally, just like it was designed to do.
So, the next time you think about your back pain, remember: the solution might not lie in traditional methods that only treat symptoms. The key is addressing how your brain communicates with your muscles to rebuild that protective system. This approach goes deeper, tackling the underlying issue rather than offering temporary relief.
If you’re struggling with back pain, consider seeking an assessment from a professional who specializes in these movement patterns. They can help you retrain your muscle coordination, giving you the tools to potentially break free from the cycle of pain for good.
For more evidence-based insights into spinal health, functional movement, and ways to move better, watch the full video. If you have questions or want to share your experience with back pain, drop a comment below. And if you're ready to take the next step, click the link to schedule a Virtual Consult & Assessment with me. Let’s get started on your spinal correction journey.
Posture & Mobility Assessment (Coupon Code PMA20)
Hodges, P., Richardson, C. 1996. Inefficient Muscular Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine Associated with Low Back Pain. A Motor Control Evaluation of Transversus Abdominis. Spine 21(2) 2640-2650.
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